After several attempts to implement a central access management were met with limited success, Julius Bär decided to take an unconventional approach and implement a custom solution that ignores some common notions of how an IAM system must look like. Getting business on board, reducing the tasks of the central implementation team and leveraging the knowledge and manpower of the application teams whose access rights are controlled by the IAM system enabled bringing applications and access rights to the new IAM system in an unprecedented speed, with more than 800 applications with 1000s of access rights and dozens of custom connectors being onboarded in the space of just two years.
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Alex Rhomberg ist Cybersecurity-Experte mit 25 Jahren Erfahrung als Berater und Projektleiter. Er berät Kunden aus allen Branchen vornehmlich im Bereich Identity & Access Management, Cybersecurity und Architektur.